Biosearch Technologies上海代理-创亚化工
Biosearch Technologies上海代理-创亚化工 LGC Biosearch可获得的双标记探针的荧光团 - 猝灭剂组合的选择。我们合成高品质的双标记探针,随后进行HPLC纯化,以确保每个订单满足纯度要求。每个oligo在发货前通过电喷雾质谱法接受严格的QC。
kok电竞娱乐 是一家致力于生命科学和生物技术领域的高科技企业。公司由在国内科研试剂领域有着十几年从业经验的专业技术团队和企业管理团队组建而成,专门从事以抗体、细胞因子、免疫检测试剂盒等免疫学产品为主的生物试剂的研发与销售。
Biosearch Technologies 上海代理-创亚化工*Beckman A63881的磁珠 现货,moltox 11-101.5等现货,transgenomic 706020/706025现货,Megazyme的大部分现货,LIST现货,、ALZET大量现货,
Biosearch Technologies上海代理-创亚化工Avanti 、tedpella 、BioLegend、Polyplus、jena bioscience、Mattek、MRC-Holland、polysciences、enzo、novus、TOCRIS、CAYMAN、Neuro Probe、cyguns、eylabs、NIBSC、chondrex、lc laboratories、BTI、etonbio
Biosearch Technologies上海代理-创亚化工
:15021505715 021-61525262
Biosearch Technologies上海代理-创亚
View the selection of fluorophore-quencher combinations for dual-labeled probes available from LGC Biosearch. We synthesize high quality dual-labeled probes followed by HPLC purification to ensure every order meets purity requirements. Every oligo receives rigorous QC by electrospray mass spectroscopy before releasing for shipment.
BHQnova Probes
The most difficult qPCR applications demand double-quenched probes for optimum performance. BHQnova™ probes have improved quenching efficiency compared to traditional end-labeled probes, while also improving signal release upon amplification. BHQnova is most advantageous in longer probe designs, typically those over 25 bases, to boost the signal-to-noise ratio by overcoming the upper limit on sequence length.
BHQplus Probes
An advanced technology for qPCR and SNP genotyping, the BHQplus® probe is a compact oligo fortified with our signature duplex stabilizing chemistry to elevate the melting temperature and enhance target specificity. BHQplus probes are the optimal choice for marker-assisted selection in the agricultural industry, and to research the polymorphisms that may influence human health.
Molecular Beacons
Molecular Beacons have short complementary sequences that fold into a stem-loop structure. This hairpin conformation positions the fluorophore and quencher very close together in space, for remarkably efficient quenching. LGC Biosearch currently offers Molecular Beacons labeled with either a Black Hole Quencher® or a DABCYL dye. These quenchers are paired with a variety of fluorescent reporters.
Scorpions Primers
Scorpions® primers combine the probe and primer into one oligo to accomplish a uni-molecular signaling mechanism. Enzymatic hydrolysis of the probe during PCR cycling is not required for signal release. View LGC Biosearch’s selection of Scorpions primers.
Calibration Dyes
Do you intend to multiplex qPCR assays using FAM, CAL Fluor® and/or Quasar® dyes? Remember to optimize your instrument's performance by using the calibration standards available from LGC Biosearch.
SuperROX® Reference Dye
SuperROX is a highly stable passive reference dye that is formulated to significantly reduce "ROX drop." It can be used when a water soluble version of ROX is required as a passive reference to normalize fluorescent signals in real-time PCR.
ValuPanel Reagents
ValuPanel Reagents are composed of pre-designed probes and primers that are intended to resolve the genetic signatures to of different pathogen strains. They are for Research Use Only (RUO), not for use in diagnostic procedures.