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nanocs一级代理 kok电竞娱乐 是一家致力于生命科学和生物技术领域的高科技企业。
*Beckman A63881的磁珠 现货,moltox 11-101.5等现货,transgenomic 706020/706025现货,Megazyme的大部分现货,LIST,coriell instituteNA12878现货。
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         kok电竞娱乐 始终致力于面向生命科学领域,从事科研机构及生产企业所需的各类原料、试剂、耗材、仪器等的专业进出口公司。公司由在国内科研试剂领域有着十几年从业经验的专业技术团队和企业管理团队组建而成,专门从事以抗*Beckman A63881的磁珠 现货,moltox  11-101.5等现货,transgenomic  706020/706025现货,Megazyme的大部分现货,LIST,coriell instituteNA12878现货。



Cat. No.Product DescriptionPrice/USD
CNTM5Carbon Nanotubes, multiwalled, diameter <8 um, length 10~20 um$285/5g
CNTM15Carbon Nanotubes, multiwalled, diameter 10~15 um, length 10~20 um$285/5g
CNTM30Carbon Nanotubes, multiwalled, diameter 20~30 um, length 10~20 um$285/g
CNTM40Carbon Nanotubes, multiwalled, diameter 30~40 um, length 10~20 um$285/g
CNTM60Carbon Nanotubes, multiwalled, diameter 50~60 um, length 10~20 um$285/g
Surface functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotubes. Functional groups attached to either ends or defects on nanotubes with the concentration around 0.3~0.8 mmol/g nanotubes.
Cat. No.Product DescriptionPrice/USD
100 mg
CNTM30-CAMultiwalled carbon nanotubes, carboxylic acid function, MWNT-COOH$285
CNTM30-AMMultiwalled carbon nanotubes, amine function, MWNT-NH2$285
CNTM30-OHMultiwalled carbon nanotubes, hydroxyl function, MWNT-OH$285
CNTM30-SHMultiwalled carbon nanotubes, thiol function, MWNT-SH$285
CNTM30-PGMultiwalled carbon nanotubes, PEG function, MWNT-PEG$285

Carbon Nanotubes, Single-walled

Single-walled carbon nanotubes with various functionalities. Carbon purity over 95% and nanotube purity over 90%.
Cat. No.Product DescriptionPrice/USD
1 g
CNTS01Carbon Nanotubes, single walled, SWNTs$285
Surface Functionalized Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes100 mg
CNTS-CA-1Single walled carbon nanotubes, carboxylic acid function, SWNT-COOH$285
CNTS-AM-1Single walled carbon nanotubes, amine function, SWNT-NH2$285
CNTS-OH-1Single walled carbon nanotubes, hydroxyl function, SWNT-OH$285
CNTS-TH-1Single walled carbon nanotubes, thiol function, SWNT-SH$285
CNTS-PG-1Single walled carbon nanotubes, PEG function, SWNT-PEG$285
Carbon Nanotube Films and Cathodes:
Nanocs carbon nanotube film were made by appropriate coating method. The typical size of these films are 10 mm x 10 mm.
Cat. No.ProductQuantityUSD
CNTM-FS-5Free Standing MWNTs5385
CNTS-FS-5Free Standing SWNTs5385
CNT-FSL-5Carbon Nanotube Film on Si substrates5385
CNT-FCP-5Carbon Nanotube Film on Copper substrates5385
CNT-FNK-5Carbon Nanotube Film on Nickle substrates5385
CNT-FNG-5Carbon Nanotube Film on graphite substrates5385





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